Jhenah Telyndru Books
Jhenah Telyndru is an author, educator, and priestess who has devoted her life to exploring the spiritual and mythic traditions of Wales and the Iron Age Celtic tribes of Britain and Gaul. A formally trained Celticist, Jhenah holds an MA in Celtic Studies from the University of Wales, as well as a BA in Archaeology from Stony Brook University. She founded the Sisterhood of Avalon in 1995, and serves as Academic Dean of the Avalonian Thealogical Seminary.
Jhenah hosts residential training retreats around North America and the UK, presents internationally at conferences and festivals, teaches online workshops and immersion programs, and facilitates pilgrimages to sacred sites in the British Isles and Ireland through Mythic Seeker Tours. She performs rites of passage in her community, is in service as a Transpersonal Tarot Counselor and teacher, and is a certified Amicus Mortis (Friend of Death) through the Anglesey Druid Order. A priestess in the Avalonian Tradition for over 35 years, Jhenah has been following a Pagan path since 1986.